Research In summer 1990 was down, according to a report in The Pirate World, it was INC member board using the number +1-408-927-0969 and Emulex/2.1 Sources
Nuclear Wasteland
Research Nuclear Wasteland sysop The Oxidizer was INC member in june and july 1990 whe the board was down. The system ran on EmuleX/2, 680 GB, HST baud rate.1 He appeared on regular BBS lists. The phone numbers +1-408-268-779, +1-408-268-23XX.2 According to Demozoo operating from August 1989 until February 1992.3 Probably...
The Evil Empire
Research In June 1990, according to a report in The Pirate World, using the number +1-408-867-1236, it had Emulex/2 software with a filebase of 186 MB, very fast warez but a pretty slow message base and no domestic callers.1 According to Demozoo, she seems to have experienced a resurgence in...
Dark Domain
Research In summer 1990 was down, according to a report in The Pirate World, it was INC member board using the number +1-408-253-7130, speed 2400 baud rate only, it had Emulex/2 software with a filebase of 120 MB.1 Sources
The Crack in Time
Research The Crack in Time BBS was affiliate for THG in june–july 1990. The system ran on Searchlight BBS or EmuleX/2 and accepted a minimum speed of 9600 baud.1 He appeared on regular BBS lists, so we know the co-sysop was Andrew Locke.2 The phone number was still 201-573-0449. Sources
Absolute Revolt
Research We know it was online january 1990 and later it was down at summer 1990 for longer time. The system ran on Tag v2.5d1, 38.4 DUAL, 1,2 GB (in 1990!).1 It seems to have been the main warez board in the southeastern US in 1989-1990. By the summer of 1990, it...
Above the Law
Research BBS was member site for MCM in 1989 and INC in June and July but not in August 1990. The system ran on WWIV in 1989, Magnum in 1990, using the number +1-305-437-0268.1 According to the February 1991 ad, the board was INC WHQ and the co-sysop was Line Noise,...
Star Frontiers
Research In 1989, Home was for the MCM cracker group and sysop Line Noise was founder. The board ran on WWIV at 2400 baud, number 305/935-8834.1 In summer 1990 was down, according to a report in The Pirate World, it was INC member board, 9600 bps, Mustang (Mustang Support Site).2...