Ethereal Dimension

Research Member board for MCM was run on Monarch, speed 2400 bauds in 1989. Number in Elemental list was secured 206/Pri-vate. Real number was 206-255-1282.1 Sources

DSC, Inc.

Research In 1989, TCR's board DSC, Inc. appears with a reference to the Phortune 500.1 This year, we also know the abbreviation of the board, based on the address from which the sysop sent the TAP magazine to readers.2 Sources

The Ethereal Zone

Research Probably in September 1990 he became a board member of INC. On the phone number (404)578-6127 with a speed of 19.2k baud, size 320 MB on Emulex/2. Sysop Captain Kaos appears with his BBS in 1992, but without connection to pirate groups.1 Multimedia The Ethereal Zone, 1992 Feb. ANSi...

The Software Conspiracy

Research According to issue 3 of TPW magazine, we know the date of the board's creation. It was created in August 1990 as a member board for THG on L.S.D., which was a fork of Emulex/2 from THG. The speed was only 2400 baud. HDD over 100 MB. Sysop was...


Research Sysop was Eddie Haskel. Real number was 508-831-013.

Twin Peaks

Research Member board for Public Enemy from august until september 1990. Sysop Captain Tom was active in The Pirate Syndicate magazine. After one month, he was kicked out of PE, which the sysop didn't take very well and before praising the distribution, he completely turned his back on it.1 Multimedia...

Pubb BBS

Research The board was a member board of the FiRM operated by The Bartender. It was down in summer 1990. It ran on EM/2 at number 4O8/729-3O56.1 Sources

Maximum Security

Research As early as July 1990, the Maximum Security board in Saratoga near San Jose had the classified number 408/PRI-VATE, when at that time it was the US HQ for Public Enemy and a member board for NASA. Sysop The Warden was using EM/2 with a file base of 150...

The Theory

Research An interesting case of a BBS having two phone numbers in different states. Sysop The Mind operated the board in Miami at (305) 628-0315 and maybe sysop Divine Tyrant in New York at (718) 217-4225. The THG distribution site ran on Tag 2.5e1 Standard with 400 MB of hard...

HMS Bounty

Research In July 1990, the HMS Bounty in Philadelphia was a member BBS for THG. It had two nodes with phone numbers 215-873-7287 and 215-873-8620. The speed was 9600 baud. It ran on PCBoard.1 Sources