Sysop for FiRM home board The CornerStone in Virginia.
The Outlaw
Sysop for Player's Guild in Boston.
RJ MacReady
Sysop for Euphoria BBS in Canada.
Jenetic Bytemare
Member (sysop and cracker) of PTL from January 1989 and INC. He ran Plutonium Mines board in Buffalo. Propably he was creator of Neormancer BBS software.
Sysop canadian board Swashbucklers II.
Desert Foxx
Sysop of canadian board Swashbucklers II and meber of PTL in 1989.
The Spiker
Research Sysop for Anarchy Burger 2, home for PTL Club in 1988–1989.
Bad Brains
Research Founding member of PTL Group and sysop for Aanrchy Burger I at 3 places! Seattle, WA and San Jose, CA in 1987 and New York City NY in 1989.
Heart Disease
Research Sysop for Insane Asylum ][ as co-home CIA group.
Live Wire
Research Founder of Crackers in Action and sysop Insane Asylum in 1988 and 1989.